Sunday, January 27, 2008

Gtk Embedded MPlayer

Recently, I want to embed a mplayer into my gtk program. I use the -wid option of mplayer to assign the parent X Window ID and draw the mplayer on a GtkDrawingArea. However, It still need some control widgets to control the mplayer. MPlayer provide the -input option to read input command from a file. The file could be a UNIX FIFO, so others can send command to mplayer through fifo. The command list is here. ( you can see it by type "mplayer -input cmdlist").

seek Float [Integer]
loop Integer [Integer]
volume Float [Integer]
mute [Integer]

I write a simple widget to embed mplayer and provide some require api to specified command. The project is named GtkEmbMPlayer. Here is the code for version 0.1.0
There is also a sample program to demo the widget.
PS: the sample and the widget still buggy.

1 comment:

james said...

我是一個研究所的學生,我想跟您請教有關Gtk如何Embedded Mplayer的問題,是否方便MSN連繫呢?